Time No Bar

I am writing again, after years. Time No Bar isn’t about my logging in wordpress and writing after years, it is about special people who have been with me and are always there.

In my sales profile, I meet many people everyday. Few of them for the first time. I meet people, exchange few words, we exchange cards and forget each other. Only when need arises, we dig up our folder of Business Cards and try reaching them. It is even hard to explain them, where we exchanged the cards or where we met, as neither of us were expected to remember it. Life has become a process of increasing bank balance and right contact list. Most of the time is spent at office, following the process. The little personal time we get is what keeps us all happy, energized and motivated to get back to the process the next day.

In this little personal time everyday, we spend our time with Family & Friends. In few cases both Family & Friends live away from us. We stretch our professional life so much into our personal life that, the personal time is either spent discussing work or we end up spending very little time on phone/ in person with Family & Friends.

In this little personal time, we prioritize our Family. Talking or meeting friends becomes our last priority after work & family. With time,  we don’t talk to friends, loose contact, get away and then there is that awkward silence when we don’t know who should have been the first person to call or text. We lose our friends, few of them.

Then there are these Friends, whom you would have known inside out. Friends who would have been as close as you were to yourself. People who would have made fun of you with weirdest names, teased you with all girls in the world ( other than the few they were interested in), laughed at your poorest jokes, kicked at your mistakes, cried at your sorrows and later made fun about it to us. These are those friends with whom we would have shared our dark secrets, people who would know our weakness and our behaviors when weak.

These are those friends who would not think twice before coming home and announcing that they have arrived. Friends who would eat all our home made food and push us to canteen. Friends with whom we used to speak all night and sleep the next day. These are those parts of our lives, which we haven’t seen from some time, because they aren’t there.

Then, one day they call you at Midnight. The first thing is you have a broad smile on your face after seeing their name on you phone. When you pick up the call, you can hear – Kutte/Bhai/your surname etc instead of a hello/hi and we talk as if we last spoke 10 minutes back. As if life hasn’t changed, as if we are still there, with them and laugh our lungs out.

Friends who aren’t stopped by distance or work, ego or class, and definitely not time.

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1 Response to Time No Bar

  1. Nikhil says:

    Yo magane- could so connect with this 🙂

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