NITK- Chapter 3

Coming to a fresh Year, after a good holidays made me fresh. Was a lot more focussed & felt much better after recovering from the accident 🙂 I knew what went wrong last year & was ready to make fresh mistakes this time 🙂 1st week started with a good note. I thought better teachers in the 1st week.We had Hebbar sir, K.C, HOD, Aparna Ma’am,Lakshman &  Bharati the Great . N of course those Maths electives by Sushma Ma’am.

I actually started making good notes for COA. I liked that subject, it was interesting. I know ppl hated it, but somehow I had other ways to look at it. HOD started boring in class & his surprise tests became predictable. Even after predicting tests I never bothered cos by now I had developed rejection to books till finals & never studied. Data structures was more an entertaining class, Lakshman had his own thoughts about how is head joined to his tail he formed a queue I never understood.He was always bothered about how hot the weather outside was, when guys looked at the junior gals there 😀 We never missed him when he was out after just 1 sem at NITK. But still we somehow understood data structures then. We tried on our own a lot i guess. N there were always MMM, Vinay & Jagat for doubts to be cleared. CLR ( Cormen, Lieserson & Rivest) was really a good book. Bharati taught us DDS. Oh GOD.. I hated her & loved that subject. Never understood why she was teaching such good subject. But there was Hebbar sir too. He was one lecturer whose value we never understood. I guess he was the best lecturer we ever had & we didn’t capitalize on his knowledge. We didn’t understand few concepts under him only cos, we never tried to understand them & lacked the basics. He was what I can call GOD of knowledge & patience. At that age, he had more energy & enthusiasm than anyone of us ever had.  Aparna ma’am put her heart out to teach Unix to us & we also reciprocated well. She was more like a mentor & a fren , less a teacher. She prepared well for Unix classes even in her busy schedules of classes & projects. She even guided us to study good books. Coming to labs, we started playing in labs from the 1st week itself 🙂 We made good use of available resources.

I used DSA labs to chat with frens. In Unix lab i really did some work & it was not the actual me there. Just for the respect I had towards Aparna ma’am, I had to do work. That made me learn the subject well 🙂 DDS lab was a confusion lab. I used to sit & chat full 3 hours with Nikhil & Natasha. This is when I got more closer to both of them. Sometimes I & Natasha used to sit n chat all time & made Nikhil Bhat worked for us. He hated that lab, but he couldn’t depend on us..  However tightly be the wires fixed, when we never got the output Bharati found fault by pulling those wires with all the efforts & they obviously had to come out. Oh Man.. She was crazy.. Felt like pulling all her hair just like she pulled out all the wires.. Mad woman..

Classes were again more of fun for me after sometime & HOD’s classes were to play different games each day. This sem I did do some work. IS project, Unix studying. Maths homeworks & assignments. I remember studying Unix with Nikhil till morning 4 & this was my 1st time I actually studied that late. I started enjoying college more than before. Started getting closer to friends. Nikhil, Shankar, Arun, Yash, MMM, Sikanth, Shaani, GV, Rakesh, Adarsh , Yondy, Vaibhav were the one with whom I spent most of my time in class. Outside it was Aditya, KP, Mithun, Gunda, Heggu. But by now Nidhi had gone & it was clearly seen that group lost the most charmed & intelligent fellow. He always binded the group together. I guess ppl in hostel knew what it finally led to,loss in the love of Cricket & increase in the number of dota players. But Nidhi went to IIT Madras & we all were happy cos he deserved to be there. He is the most intelligent person I personally know . Before Mid sems there was a problem as my Grandfather passed away. I came back just a day before mid sems & it was Nikhil who helped me for preparation. This time I performed much better in mid sems (theory). DDS lab was a big joke & I messed it up completely.

SMSs sent each day from my cell were increasing & the condition of my cell phone was deteriorating. I pity it. Days became monotonous & I started getting bored in college.. Hostel was much better to spend time..Time passed away & then the same end sems, same exams , same labs (except that I could get an o/p in DDS lab(partial- it was good enough) & had smashed the viva, & even after that Bharati didn’t give me the deserved marks). By the end of 3rd sem I had understood that the impressions which teachers have on the students mattered a lot in marks. K.C gave random grades.He din even correct the papers.It was all based on attendance & the people whose name he could retain in his mind.In some subjects it was other way also,in DSA I got more than I deserved.

P.S : 1)During 3rd sem midsems I realised that Vinay never studied for exams. He scanned thru the books for 2 hrs before exams. If he had studied he definitely would have set new records in GPA. His understanding capacity & attention span was awesome.

2) None was as good as Mahima in mocking Sushma.

After Final exams

After Final exams

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4 Responses to NITK- Chapter 3

  1. Akhil says:

    Stop writing such posts 🙂 Brings back memories. I think those were the best times of our life. Amazing fun in classes, at the hostel and everywhere. 🙂

  2. Nikhil Prabhakar says:

    I write these Posts to remember them & U tell me to stop it 🙂

  3. Srinidhi says:

    Shani maatu keLbeda

  4. Nikhil B says:

    Dude I never worked during dds labs.. this is blasphemy.. as I remember it was you two who worked and chatted and I was the odd man out !

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